Pilot Test Charts

We supply the materials you need to successfully complete the port pilotage testing process.

  • "PilotTestCharts.com has the best resources I've seen for candidates studying for the port pilotage exam."

    Captain John Betz - Chief Pilot, Los Angeles Pilot Service
  • "Just got the Honolulu Harbor Chart... the level of detail is great and just what we would use."

    Erika L. Janzen - Chief, Regional Exam Center Honolulu, USCG
  • "PilotTestCharts.com is the website I wish had existed when I was studying for pilotage."

    Brett Ruppert - Captain ATB Innovation / Co-Founder Pilot Test Charts
  • "Pilot Test Charts are the GO-TO charts for studying & testing for any pilotage exam. The service is excellent, and their product was perfect."

    Chris Keller - El Segundo Mooring Master Trainee

About PTC Founders

Meet the Twin Brothers Who Founded PTC

Pilot Test Charts was founded by twin brothers Brett and
Ryan Ruppert. Both Brett and Ryan are lifelong professional mariners. Ryan is a Pilot Boat Captain for Los Angeles Pilot Service while Brett drives the big
boats as an ATB Captain for Fairwater (formally Crowley).

The idea for Pilot Test Charts as a business came to them in
2021, after Brett began studying for Pilotage in the Ports of Los Angeles /
Long Beach. At the time, there was no reliable source of updated, REC compliant blank charts. The twin brothers decided that they wanted to build a new
resource for pilotage testing charts. So, they did! Now PilotTestCharts.com is
the most comprehensive resource for pilotage testing charts and supplementary
study materials available.

Brett and Ryan are family men first and foremost! Brett has
2 young kids: a 3-year-old boy and a 5-year-old girl. While Ryan stays busy
chasing around his own twin 4-year-old boys and his 5-year-old, curly haired
girl. Born and raised in Southern California, they both have developed a
lifelong love for Catalina Island and enjoy sharing that love with their

Brett and Ryan are proud to offer value and
service to the Port Pilot and Professional Mariner community while experiencing
firsthand the ups and downs of founding and operating a small business. It has
been very rewarding for the brothers to be able to share this experience with
their families as well as all their customers

Contact Pilot Test Charts

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Include chart number with chart request.

Request Chart

Email Pilot Test Charts - customerservice@pilottestcharts.com

Custom Charts and Chartlets are used by professional mariners for testing and training purposes. Any and all elements of any chart can be customized to meet your specific needs. Private maritime companies use custom Charts and Chartlets for: Company Manuals - Pre Deployment Assessments of Area of Operations - In House Training and Testing of Boat Operators and Crew - and more

Contact Pilot Test Charts for more information